Slightly Morbid Notebook: The Hero’s Bird

Management: The “Slightly Morbid Notebook” series is basically a collection of story outlines and summaries that I likely won’t have a chance to write. They’re all original ideas that I came up with randomly, but I don’t have the energy to develop them properly. Consequently, this is sort of a plot graveyard.

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Once upon a time there was baby bird who was rescued by a human, and she fell in love with him. The little bird’s feelings were so powerful that after she died, the power of her emotions caused her to ascend to a divine state and she begged the gods to allow her to reincarnate and follow this human (across multiple lifetimes over thousands of years). Sometimes she would be a guardian rock and other times she would be a guardian fish or bird or insect or something.

The only rule to her existence was that the gods told her that she was not allowed to communicate with the human. While she was allowed to follow him, she was not allowed to attract his attention or attempt to talk to him.

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